Waddesdon E-Bikes Hire Scheme – Notice of Closure

February 27 2023
Waddesdon E-Bikes Hire Scheme – Notice of Closure
Dear registered user,
The Waddesdon E-Bike Hire Scheme trial will be coming to an end on Friday 10th March 2023 when the bikes will be removed and no longer in use.
This trial project was funded by the Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning & Transport (ADEPT) as part of the ADEPT SMART Places Live Labs programme (Live Labs 1) and its aim was to connect rural communities to their nearest rail station.
Unfortunately, the funding for this project has now come to an end and the trial e-bike hire scheme is set to be decommissioned.
Buckinghamshire Council is investigating potential alternative options for e-bike hire schemes locally and if any opportunities arise for an alternative then this will be communicated to residents as soon as possible.
The Waddesdon Greenway will continue to be a safe and tranquil walking and cycling route linking the Aylesbury Gemstone cycling network with Waddesdon village and the National Trust Waddesdon Manor estate. We hope that you will continue to use it.
We apologise that you will no longer be able to use the E-bikes, but we hope that you enjoyed using the scheme when it was being trialled.
Kind regards,
Buckinghamshire Council
 Moovbikes, and CycleFleet would like to thank all our registered users for their unstinting support over the past 2+ years since the trial scheme was launched.
Despite a very low key start at the height of the pandemic, you turned out in droves to join us in the ride (almost 2,500 of you, with many regular repeat users).
We are immensely grateful to our partners; Buckinghamshire Council, The Rothschild Foundation / Waddesdon Manor and Chiltern Railways for helping to make this happen.
Please keep an eye out for future schemes; as our French partners might put it: This is ‘Au Revoir’, not ‘Adieu….’